by Celia Fenn

Images by Ofra Ben-Shetrit and Marcelo Galvao


Quiet time on the banks of the Jordan River near Yardenit, where Jesus was baptized by John as he started his work. I love the clear reflections of the trees in the water.

A Journey to the Holy Land is always a special experience. It is an ancient land, the beginning point of modern society in the west with thousands of years of turbulent history. What I learned in my encounter with this ancient "mother land", the home of the Shekinah, is to approach her with the deepest Respect and Honor, and not to arrive with any prepackaged tourist ideas and expectations. I was taught to listen to the voice of the land and her peoples....the deserts, the mountains, the lakes and oceans and the busy cities and towns. In this voice is the history of the past and the promise of the future New Earth, and the Present Moment of Transformation as the seeds are laid for the New Society that will rise in this area. Spirit taught me how to be still and to listen, and how to hear what is whispered from the Heart of the Shekinah, the Divine Feminine, and to feel the expanding energies of the Christ Consciousness that was birthed in this land.

The energy of the land will be your mirror and teacher, at the level at which you are ready to receive. And, the energy of the Middle East is always about Peace! The lack of Peace that is perceived on the Political and Religious level as old conflicts are played out between the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims as they battle for possesion of this piece of the Planet. And then there is the Deep and Abiding Peace of the Original Blueprint for this Land that still lies waiting to be experienced by the fifth-dimensional heart and consciousness that can feel the deep peace that passes understanding and the mind, and can only be experienced by the heart and the soul when it connects and resonates with the ancient energies of Divine Light and Love that were birthed here so powerfully through the Shekinah Light and then were seeded into the Human Collective again two thousand years ago through the work of Yeshua andf Mary Magdalene.

The journey began for me in Jerusalem. I arrived in Israel on the morning of the 25th of December after flying all night from South Africa. I was met by Israeli friends, and we had lunch at the Arab village of Abu Gosh and then went on to Jerusalem. This city was the end point for Yeshua, and the place from which Mary Magdalene departed to begin her teaching work in France and Europe. For me, it was the beginning point of a personal journey that took me through Israel, from Ein Gev and the Golan in the North to Eilat and Sinai in the south, through the deserts, to the Dolphin vortex at Eilat and into Egypt, and finally to Bethlehem to be "reborn" and finally into Jerusalem to experience the power of the Magdalene energy. Then on to the Sea of Galilee, to experience the Grace and Love of the New Earth and the Christ Consciousness at the place where Mary Magdalene grew up and where Yeshua taught and performed his most powerful miracles.

It was here that I finally understood the "instruction" given by Spirit that I should take the energy of Mary Magdalene and the Magdalene Flame "home". It was on the peaceful shores of the Sea of Galilee that I found the "home" of the Christ Consciousness, its beginning, its place of rest and beauty, and the place from where the energy still radiates out to create a New Earth of Peace for all.

I ask, if you wish, that you accompany me on the journey to the Peace that Passes Understanding.

Jerusalem : Reconnecting with the Shekinah, Balancing the Masculine and Feminine Energies, and releasing the power of the "Kingdom of Heaven" within

The city of Jerusalem viewed from the Garden of Gethsemane

The walls of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Golden Dome of the Mosque of Omar built on the site of the Temple of Solomon.

In Jerusalem, I was privileged to be working with a group of people that included local Israeli lightworkers and lightworkers from around the world. We gathered at a hotel close to the Old City for two days of sharing, wisdom, activations and celebration. We were also together for the New Year, with another powerful celebration of the New Earth energies.

In Jerusalem, my work with Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene, was to anchor the mysteries of the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Rose, to bring the Divine Masculine and Feminine into Balance by creating that Balance within the Heart of each person who was a part of the gathering. Then, we introduced the second part of the Mary Magdalene teachings on the "Kingdom of Heaven", which was about activating the Christ Power within, for the Kingdom of Heaven is within. We then expanded this energy to activate the City of Light for the New Jerusalem, and activated the new template for the Sacred Temple of Light, or Inner Sanctuary, for the New Earth energies of Peace and Love among all the peoples of Jerusalem.

This was powerful work, and of course was made even more powerful by the incredible energies of Jerusalem itself. I can only describe these as multi-dimensional. On the Higher Dimensions there is the most incredible crystalline and pure energy of Love. It shimmers with Radiance and Power and is "held" by the pure love of the Shekinah. It is an almost intoxicating energy, and I found that people tend to align into their soul purpose very quickly under its influence. The "pull" to align with Divine Will is magnetic and powerful. Unfortunately, when the ego is not clear, then all that is not in alignment with Divine Will will get in the way of the pure experience of the Sacred energies in Jerusalem. So, many people confront their own unresolved issues and fall into negativity and judgment. Me, I fell into exhaustion and illness. I had a sore throat and a cold for a few days, probably due to the sudden switch from midsummer heat into winter in Israel. On the fifth day I got out of bed and fell over. I staggered around for a while and then decided that I needed some help. The hotel called a doctor who examined me and diagnosed exhaustion, dehydration and very low blood pressure. The prescription was electrolytes, fluids and a day in bed!

The Journey South : The Desert Country and the Dolphin Vortex at Eilat

Well, after that it appeared that my "work" was done on the outer level, and I was left to journey on the inner levels. It was then that the land itself began to whisper to me about its ancient energies and the power that still waited to be experienced. It was at this point that I met ILana Meallam, who embodies the power of the Divine Feminine and its energies in the Middle East. I allowed her energy to guide my Spirit as we travelled through the desert country, south to the Dead Sea and Qumran, and then on to Eilat.

At Eilat, ILana suggested that some of us in the tour group might like to experience a session of Dolphin Healing and Water massage at the Dolphin Reef in Eilat. We only had one night in Eilat before the tour group moved on south into Egypt, so I agreed to the experience. As it happens, my friends from Brazil, Marcelo, Ana and Maria, decided to come as well. It was a magical experience.

The Dolphins are held within enclosures in the sea water. They used to be free to come and go, but the Reef owners found that the general public were not treating the dolphins with respect and they closed off the pools. Now, there are eight dolphins who swork with people at the Reef. I am sorry that I have no photos, but the experience was at night.

We arrived and were allowed to go out to the enclosures and connect with Dolphins. I called to them and was delighted to hear the lovely clicking sound that they make! Then, one came swimming very quickly, as they move at great speed, and then as he swam just under me he turned over and I saw his white stomach for a moment. It was a magical moment of pure connection. Then, we were taken inside and into the pools where the facilitators work.

The pools are screened off and heated (it was winter after all), but you are in the same water as the dolphins and you can feel their beautiful energy. There is underwater music, and as soon as you lie down in the water you hear the music. The facilitator then moves your body very gently so that you feel as though you are floating and flying.

After a while, I started to move out of my body and I was flying through a vortex and up into the Cosmos. The Dolphins were with me, and they showed me how they were the "keepers" of this important energy vortex at Eilat. Here, on the Red Sea, the four countries of Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are all in close proximity. The Dolphins are charged with holding the energies for Peace in the area. They work with people to connect them to their Higher Selves and to show them the Higher Plan for the Region. This is done on the Higher or Multi-dimensional level, but it does effect everyone who passes through Eilat or this area of the Red Sea.

The Cetaceans are thus the "Keepers" of this Gateway into the Middle East, and they transmit a powerful Sirian /Pleiadian frequency that holds the energies of Peace and resonates with the ernergies of Peace in the original blueprint of the land and in the hearts and souls of people as well as in the DNA of their bodies.

I felt a deep healing and transformation in my time with the dolphins, and after the "babble" of Jerusalem on its lower levels of being, it was so wonderful to just relax into the Cosmic Love of the Dolphin energy and to journey through the Cosmic vortex that they hold in Eilat.

It was indeed one of the high points of the journey for me!

The next day it was into Egypt and the Sinai desert on route to Mount Sinai. Again, this part of the journey was, for me, an immersion in the deep silence of the Desert. The Desert landscape holds an incredible power and beauty, and with the vibrant blue of the Red Sea and the sky above, is a powerful activation for the inner being when you are ready. Of course, when you travel with a group, the dynamics of the group tend to hold center stage, but since there was really nothing much for me to do with the group at this point, I was able to focus on the nature of the "desert" within, and to see how we must often traverse passages of nothingness and emptiness, which are power within themselves, before we reach the "promised land" of the Heart and Soul.

After that it was back to Tel Aviv and the group journey was over. But for me, the most important aspects of the journey were just beginning. After the wandering in the Desert without purpose and very little perspective except trust in Divine Will and Higher Purpose, I was taken to Bethlehem to be "born".


After nearly two weeks in the Middle East, I felt that I had not seen enough of the Palestinian side of the equation, and so in talking with my Brazilian friends Marcelo and Ana, we decided that we would like to visit Bethlehem, on the West Bank, for their last day in Israel. So, we were up at 5am to drive from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem again and on to Bethlehem. I would like to thank Marcelo and Ana for being with me in this part of the Journey. It was a miraculous and light filled day!

Here we are driving on the outskirts of Bethlehem. These are the walls and fences that have been erected by the Israelis to contain the Palestinians within their areas.


I must say that this was the first time I really felt the sadness and despair that is associated with the "separation" of the Palestinians by these fences. It was a strange thing, but our first approach to the West Bank was via an Israeli checkpoint. We drove up and waited patiently. The woman inside the booth was having a personal crisis of some kind, and she was just crying and crying. After a while the traffic started to bank up behind us, and a soldier arrived to tell us we could not cross today. I dont know what was going on, but her weeping more or less set the tone for our journey into the area. As a South African, it reminded me of the darker days of apartheid when the black people were also fenced off by the fear of those who held power. The pain and the suffering is the same, and it is felt on both sides. Peace is needed to heal the wounds of separation and bring in the higher consciousness of Unity and Oneness.

Our driver, a lovely young Arab man called Wissam, then took us into Bethlehem by another route where we approached from the "rear" and did not have to pass through a checkpoint. And so, quite simply, we came to Bethlehem!

Our aim, to visit the Churches of the Nativity at the site where Yeshua was born to Mary and Joseph after their return from Egypt. Here is an image of the Catholic Church of the Nativity and one of Ana and myself enjoying the Peace outside the Church.



The energy at this Sacred site is quite different to anywhere else in Israel. Perhaps because it is less "touristy" and more difficult to access. There are two churches that share the site, the Catholic church which is better kept and more modern, and the older church was is shared by the Greek Orthodox and the Armenians. A few days earlier there had been an incident in Bethlehen where one of the priests had killed another, and the security around the church was strict. But, we found within it the most beautiful Peace and Love.

Here is an image of Ana and myself before Mary as the "Queen of Heaven", the embodiment of the Divine Feminine or Shekinah as Cosmic Mother.


It was here that I began to feel the energy of rebirthing, and the emergence of a new relationship with the Shekinah and with the Divine Feminine within myself. It was to begin to feel the immense Power and Beauty that lies within this energy that simply is all that it needs to be at all times. It is an energy that is within each one of us and tells us that we are quite simply all that we need to be at all times and that there is no need to be anything other than what we are and what we choose to be.

Quite simply, as the Great Teacher said, you are the Light of the World. The Light is within you and all you have to do is allow it to shine for those who are willing to receive the Light. If not, move on and allow your Light to Shine and be What you Are - a Spark of the Divine Light in Human Form.

And so, with this powerful realization, we went into Bethlehem to explore with the locals. Here Marcelo and I try out the local head coverings. As Marcelo said, you need attitude to carry this off. I thought it was lots of fun!


Lunch, and the closest thing to a grilled cheese sandwhich you will find in the Middle East...grilled Pita Bread! It was good!


And here we have the Brazilian sheikh with his two wives!!!....just joking!


And so, after Bethlehem it was on to Jerusalem. I was quite surprised to be back in Jerusalem, but Marcelo and Ana wanted to see the Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene again, and I had not seen it as the group had visited the day that I was ill. It was a good decision, as it was here that I felt the second stages of my own "rebirthing" as I connected with the immense Power of the Feminine Christ energy that was embodied in Mary Magdalene.

Click Here for Part 11 : The Church of the Magdalene in Jerusalem and the Birthing of the Christ Consciousnessd at the Sea of Galilee