9th to the 13th May 2013

Dear Family of Light, Archangel Michael and the Dolphin Angels have asked us to be present in Antalya, Turkey from the 9th to the 13th May 2013. This is to Anchor the Light Codes and Energies of the New Earth in this region, and to continue to the work of bringing the Peace and Harmony of the New Reality to the Middle East Region. This will also be important preparatory work for the Galactic Reconnection Sacred Journey that is planned for the Turkish Aegean area at the end of August.

In this time together as Family of Light we will work to understand and activate the Galactic Human Template, to anchor the incoming Light Codes from the Divine Heart and the Galactic Center, and to find the Simple Joy of Being in the New Reality. We will work with Activations from Archangel Michael as well as Athena Solara and Apollo Solaris, and we will work with the Andromedan Dolphin Angels to begin the work of Reconnecting the Galactic Stargates in the area. This is exciting new work that will resonate with many as they step into the New Reality and hear Call of their Soul to Service on the Planet.

The Seminar is organized by Starchild Global in association with Nalan Kahraman of SuSu Conscious Living Center in Izmir, Turkey.

Week-End Seminar

Day One : Activating the Galactic Human Template....You will learn about Indigo and Crystal Children and Adults and their Role in the Transformation of the Human from a Human Being to a Human Angel. This will be particularly useful for those who have children and for younger adults who are seeking to understand their role and purpose in the New Reality. Archangel Michael will be your Guide as you experience and integrate the Indigo and Crystal Energies as you step into the Galactic Human Energy.

Day Two : Galactic Human Reconnection......Today we will step into the full expression of the Galactic Human. Archangel Michael and the Dolphin Angels will guide us into an understanding of the Stargates and Galactic Connection Vortices, and how we can work with them in our personal and collective Journey to Peace, Harmony and Abundance. If you have ever wondered where you came from, what was your connection to the Stars, and why you are here, these questions will be answered in our Seminar.

Dance Meditation in New York City, December 2012

The Seminar will be closed with a Dance Meditation and Prayer Ceremony that will be lead by Celia Fenn. You are invited to wear your very best and most beautiful garments to celebrate the New Reality and to Honor the Beings of Light that will work with us on the Seminar. As a Galactic Human you Embody the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and this will be your opportunity to really step into this Energy with Grace and Joy!

There will also be ONE day of private Consultations with Celia Fenn and Nalan Kahraman.

For more information and bookings please contact Nalan Kahraman at [email protected]