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Barbara's Diary for Indigo-Crystal Adults

No 2 : Earth Resources, Enchantment and Indigos

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© Barbara Adams

Hello again! For this diary's Earth Resource I'll share "Micro Eco-Farming:" We (private individuals, families, schools, cooperative groups) are rebuilding the Garden as co-creators in the form of spare time, part time, or fulltime "micro eco-farms," with a new, higher form of mini farming in backyards, very small acreages, and even urban settings. Taking place across the globe, we tune into higher realms and use beyond organic "paradise principles" in both developed and developing countries. This has been written about in the title "Micro Eco-Farming: Prospering from Backyard to Small Acreage in Partnership with the Earth" (Barnes&Noble and other bookstores or

barb2c.jpg For this month's Crystal Time on Earth: I'll share Conscious Enchantment in France. In this state, we saw hobbits, elves, trolls, and giants. Through meditation we felt lifestreams among the castles, faerie forests and villages and tuned into answers to a problem plaguing earth in the lower energies: the appearance of a growing split between rich and poor, and the correction of a surprising mistaken historical belief related to this.

For this month's Indigo Section: There's something I needed as an Indigo child, often being overlooked today, in fact, is sometimes being worsened by "experts."

Okay, let's begin!

Earth Resources

Restoring Eden: We've traveled across North America, South Africa, England, Switzerland and most recently, France, to study the world's emerging micro eco-farms. They help restore the Garden as portals for humans to tune back into the earth's harmony, while at the same time they simply create prosperous and meaningful home and cooperative businesses for people around the world, from what people consider the poorest locations to the richest neighborhoods.

I love sharing this with Indigos and Crystals, because they're not afraid to tune into the elementals and other higher sources for guidance when building and operating them. If this trend is something that interests you, the first title on this subject as mentioned above: Micro Eco-Farming: Prospering from Backyard to Small Acreage in Partnership with the Earth interviews those, mostly in North America, who are succeeding at this and reveals some of the "paradise" principals involved.

People of all belief systems are joining in, some have successfully re-created storybook family farms, urban medicinal herb farms and farms for children to heal from and communicate with animals. Another 1/3-acre farm produces flower essences to sell all over the world, and yet another grows crops in gardens designed by their angels. A church raises llamas for pets and wool, and another farmer cured himself and family of illnesses by simply fertilizing his soil with plants from the sea. (Barnes&Noble, other bookstores, or


barb2b.jpg Conscious Enchantment: "Enchantment," to some, means seeing other, brighter worlds than those around you perceive. Others see it as a spell, cast upon one unconsciously to see "something that doesn't really exist." Those who've never been enchanted feel there simply is no other world than the one they experience. In Conscious Enchantment, we purposely chose and controlled our ability to see and dwell in overlapping worlds that co-exist on earth, moving between them at will. In France in this state, the hobbits, wise women healers, knights, giants, elves and trolls became perfectly clear. We went back and forth among worlds. In the lower energies were tourist traps, the razzle dazzle, the seeming hopelessness of the homeless and beggars, and so on.

But in Enchantment, answers were found. In the ancient faerie forest of Brittany, we found a grove far from the usual visited sites that spoke deeply to us. Meditation inside the chapel at Rennes Les Chateau brought inspiring insights beyond the tourist hoopla.

But the most surprising and warm lifestream was felt from Queen Marie-Antoinette's castle, along with the energies that beheaded her, to lead us to further answers to the greater and greater split between the rich and poor that appears in the lower energies. In higher energies on earth, people from the CEO arena to the grassroots level are working harmoniously, there is no gap. The book "Trends 2010" discusses this cooperative dance and rise in divinity and higher energies that's appearing in corporations. From entry level to CEO, humans are working towards the same bright summit rather than the "poor blaming the rich and the rich shunning the poor." The New Earth is being rebuilt from both the outside in and the inside out. Nothing needs to be destroyed (or beheaded), only the higher energies need to be felt from within and acted upon.

And about blame-shifting: Marie-Antoinette, I was led to discover, NEVER said, "Let them eat cake." That phrase was made by another female royal lady two years before Marie-Antoinette even came to France, and even that lady had only meant to help by enforcing a law to stop profiteering by the bakers. They were using precious flour to bake more expensive "cakes" while not making enough lower priced plainer breads that the poor could afford. The royalty attempted to solve this by making bakers charge the same lower price for the cakes as the bread. "Let (the poor also) eat cake." But this was futile as the answer to that famine was much deeper, of course, and its cause included an inner famine, a forgetting of how much inner power and value every human really has, resulting in an unbalanced shift of blame. The feeling of having no inner power of one's own is then projected with wrath and concentrated on one who appears to have much power without deserving it.

For every extreme we dislike, such as top-heavy control and wealth among just a few, there's another opposite parallel feeding it. Instead of all energy going to destroy and blame just one extreme, look to its opposite as well. The opposite of top-heavy hierarchy is complacency of the masses. Each feeds the other. As my dear non-profit partner, friend and healer in South Africa says, even those considered the poorest of the poor in her country maintain within themselves great knowledge of the earth, which is priceless. They are remembering their worth, and so now their lives are transforming for the better. They are attracting help rather than using guilt tactics to force help for themselves. As we help them step out of their poverty, they are simultaneously regaining inner self-power, and conquering their inner opponent so they can then more clearly see and deal with their external opponent.

Indigos and Crystals

barb2a.jpg And speaking of self-power, those Indigos who came in the mid to late 80s, 70s, 60s and 50s, we're grown-ups now. Meaning grown-up in a lovely way, not the negative way adulthood is often portrayed. Not all of the attributes we came with serve us, including the inability to focus. There's a way out of that confusion (believe me, I was THE WORST) without blaming nor shutting down our Connection while at the same time helping our other energies that do serve us continue to evolve. We hear and see more of the universe, often all at the same time! But we can find ways to ground and navigate all that information. It's time to step out of traits that aren't serving us, rather than allow others to continue to define who we are from older lists. Those who first reported the Indigo phenomenon and listed our traits have done wonders, much on those lists is still viable in the hands of those who know that people, especially us, evolve at fast paces.

But as the older paradigm tries to grab hold of us and pull it into its world, New Age people seeking followers are scooping up and pasting the lists of what our attributes are, or were. Then, using old paradigm methods, they are turning them into unchanging dogma and laundry lists of static expectations and using the old paradigm of shifting blame to solve the problem. I've heard recently from two "experts" who "know" that parents of Indigo children are the scapegoat to blame for Indigo confusion (and the experts offer to save their children from them for a high price). WHAT? As an Indigo child myself they are missing the point. My "perfect parents" already existed from inside themselves, that's what needed to heal and emerge. They may have needed to be shaken up for a moment, but didn't need to be told they didn't have the power themselves to know what to do.

I see that "Childhood Realm," the connection to innocence that all children of all nations and eras come to earth with, is still often being mistaken for "Indigo." Indigo and Crystal transcend age, and when Indigo childhood enters the empowerment of adulthood, there emerges a new entity many know little about. "Indigo" is also being mistaken for the old paradigm "External Saviors coming to save the masses," which can shorten and distort Childhood Realm, a precious place that needs protection and cherishment. I'll address this more in the next diary. But as an Indigo child, I craved one thing greatly: for my parents to be happy.

From that point, I transferred their happiness into me, and attached that to my Indigo mission. They didn't have to have the same aura and mission that I did. If they soared with inner love and confidence, even if their challenges weren't the challenges I would have, I absorbed their confidence via osmosis, then applied that to whatever happened to me in school, or other places. A higher world energy and supportive village that would have nurtured the healing of inner opponents in all parents would have helped. So I so thank and admire other early Indigos and Crystals, now grown-up, who are aware of those who want to keep our attributes static, and who want to focus too much on external blame. The worse those around us feel about themselves, the worse we will ultimately feel, for we are them, and they are us. Take back your own power, define your own lives, and thank you for contributing to the New Earth closer to the one we were shocked wasn't already here when we first arrived.

Much love,
Barbara Adams

The copyright to the text and images is held by Barbara Adams, and neither may be used without her permission.

Click here for Diary no.1