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Beloved Ones, you have reached a point of great excitement and joy in your evolution to Higher Consciousness and the New Earth. In this coming month of July you will experience the annual opening of the Sirius stargate, known as the Lion's Gate.
This year the energies of the Sirius gate are extremely powerful and will be the engine for major transformation on the planet. So, after your wonderful work of holding the balance in June, you are now asked to accept your rewards, as it were. The planet is ready to receive the energies that will lift your consciousness into the higher harmonics of multi-dimensional being. The planet is ready to begin manifesting the reality of a fifth and sixth-dimensional society.
Dearest Lightworkers, we ask you to be very focussed in this month of July. Focus your intention on holding the vision of the New Earth. Focus on balance, on unconditional love and acceptance, on peace and joy as your future as a planet. Then, as you feel the waves of transformative stellar energy washing through you, you will be empowered to use this energy for its highest purpose, your own transformation to a new level of Divine Consciousness.
This, dearest Lightworkers, is an ideal time to open your seventh Chakras, your Crown Chakras, to receive into your bodies the diamond light that will flood through the Lion's Gate Portal in July.
But while we ask you to be aware of the Higher levels and the spiritual unfoldment, we ask you to GROUND the energy. That is your work, to ground the energy into the Crystal Grids of the Earth and make it available for all humans, even those who are not yet awakened. It will serve as an impetus to awakening many more beings to the Crystal Reality of the New Earth.
So, beloved Lightworkers, as you meditate, we urge you also to use crystals, water, incense and candles to bring in the four elements. Do fire ceremonies and crystal ceremonies. Build medicine wheels and mandalas and labyrinths, like your ancestors did, as they grounded the energies into the earth. These activities help you to "ground" the energies and move them from your mental and spiritual bodies and into the earth. This serves to connect you to the planet and makes the energy available for the use of others.
But, as above, so below. The priesthoods and wise people of Egypt knew that the abundance came primarily from the potent stellar energies that flooded the Earth with the alignment of the Sun and Sirius in relation to the Galactic Center. This surge of energy through the Lion's Gate lifts the earth to the next level in her ongoing cycles of evolution.
This event is also concurrent with the movement of the Sun into the Fifth House of the Zodiac, Leo, the Solar sign of Creativity and Passion. This is why it is called the Lion's Gate. Leo, or the constellation of the Lion, guarded the entrance to the Sirius Stargate.
In March you assisted with the planetary grounding of the Goddess or Paradise matrix, first in Hawaii and then globally. After that, the Divine Feminine energies of the Tara goddesses came in to assist you to hold and ground the matrix.
Now, as the Sirius Gate introduces the new stellar energies, these energies will flood into the new matrix. You will see such miracles and joy as the Goddess matrix activates with the energy of the Lion's Gate.
But, this is a potent energy, the energy of the Lion, and we ask that you treat it with honor and deep respect. It is your own solar and creative energy that you are embracing into your being through the "doorway" of the Sirius Gate. Be conscious of the opening within yourself of a gate that allows a flood of vital, creative and passionate energy, and honor this process. It is lifting you to the highest expression of your creative and passionate self.
The energy of the portal will be felt intensely through the end of July and into the beginning of August, when the Stargate reaches its maximum intensity on the 8:8 harmonic on the 8th of August through to the 12th August. After that, the Gate begins to close, and the potent energies of change are made available for use in the rest of the year.
This fiery new energy will be received on the planet by the gentle energy of Quan Yin and the Taras, who will help to ground into the Planetary Goddess Matrix the energies of PASSIONATE CREATIVITY.
This will provide the energetic impetus for the Creation and manifestation of the New Earth in the next two year cycle, culminating in 2007.
You will see emerging among you women as leaders and teachers in your communities, exhibiting the strong and independent energies of the Solar Feminine.
So, dearest ones, as the energy of the Solar Lion and Lioness return to Planet earth, we urge you to remember your Fire Ceremonies. This can be as simple as a candle lit for meditation, with the intention to honor the warmth and transformative power of the element of Fire.
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© 2004-5 Celia Fenn
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